It is never too early to start planning your next backyard project or exploring the idea of transforming your outdoor space. This is a great time of year to take stock of what your yard is now and to plan for what you want! Especially in the case that you are interested in installing a pool, large patio, fireplace, outdoor kitchen or another major project for your outdoor space. These projects require time, permits (in some cases) and a budget. Taking the time now to plan out your idea and talk to an expert about your project will help you get right to it after winter.
Whether you’re interested in expanding your living space to the outdoors by adding a porch, deck or up for a bigger task like adding an outdoor living area, it’s time to get planning. Taking the time to plan strategically and ahead of time can help you to take your outdoor space from the run of the mill to backyard oasis. The master plan should eventually include everything from long-range goals to the down and dirty details of who will perform the work, so there is a lot to plan.
Here are some questions you can start to ask yourself to get you started:
What function do you want from your yard? Will it be a play area for the children, a relaxing retreat space, or primarily for entertaining?
What materials grab your interest? Water features, patios, plant life?
How much do you want to be involved in the work? Will you fully tackle this project yourself or will you hire out?
What is your budget? This will help you to determine exactly what is feasible for you.
Need some help? Take a look at our recently updated gallery to get some inspiration. We’ve been busy installing patios, outdoor kitchens, hardscapes and pools throughout Bergen County, NJ, the pictures that you’ll browse through are sure to spark some ideas for your backyard.
When you are ready to plan your project, reach out to us and we will help you to turn your vision into reality!